Monday, October 17, 2011

Congratulations and Thank You!!!

A heartfelt thank you to Heather Gilchrist for a great Kiwanis Year and continued service to the community as our outgoing president, and congratulations to Lenore Kure our incoming president for 2011-2012. If you see Lenore around, please thank her ahead of time for all that she does for Kiwanis and our community. Our club is looking forward to the new challenges and great things we will accomplish this year!

Tuesday, January 18, 2011

No cost to you Fundraiser

Do you have old electronic equipment, cell phones or other unwanted used electronics? Why not donate them to our club. Proceeds will help benefit area children!!!! Please visit for more details. The company will ship you a prepaid envelope to send the old phones, mp3 players or other items and any money recieved will be donated to our club!!!