Tuesday, October 6, 2009

Volunteers of America Northwest Ohio

Sondra Anderson, the homeless services director from Volunteers of America of Northwest Ohio was our speaker on Tuesday October 6th. She discussed the increase in homelessness and the different organization that help homeless families. The Crossroads Emergency Shelter in Sandusky offers sleeping accommodations for 30 days or less to help transition families to more stable homes. To reach the shelter call 419-626-6505. Volunteers of America of Northwest Ohio offers many more projects too numerous to list here. The Sandusky office is located at 1843 Superior Street. The local website is http://voanwo.org Please contact Sondra or the VOA office for volunteer opportunities.

Thursday, October 1, 2009

Kiwanis Year

Congratulations to Jody Meisler for completing her year as president of our club. For our first meeting in October our new president Anne McGookey will be presenting her ideas for the future of our club not only for her upcoming year but also the near future. Jody, our club appreciates all of your hard work and effort!!!!

Sandusky Main Street Association

On September 22nd John Lippus from the Sandusky Main Street Association was our speaker. He discussed the top 10 myths of downtown planning. He also spoke about things happening in our downtown and ideas for the future. For more information please visit http://www.sanduskymainstreet.com/ or contact the Sandusky Main Street Association at 419-627-5942 or 279 E Market St Sandusky, Oh 44870.