Friday, January 30, 2009

Committee Day

The last Tuesday of every month our club reviews different areas of need and requests within the community and internationally and disburses money. Due to the weather limiting members from attending the meeting it was a light month. This month our club donated $200 to Buckeye Boys State for the American Legion, $50 to Back to the Wild in Castalia, and $30 to St Stephens Church for some soccer balls for the Darfur Region of the Sudan. The members that attended totaled 103 hours of community service for the month as well.

Sandusky Orthopedics

On Tuesday January 20th Dr Michael Felter from Sandusky Orthopedics & Rheumatology spoke about his practice which also includes Jim Berry, Kam Wong and Thomas Olexa

Showing a slide show of the evolution of knee replacements, and how their practice was one of the first to perform knee surgery in this area, and still are the top knee practices to date.

For more information please visit their website at

Sandusky Maritime Museum

A few years ago we tried taking our club outside of the normal lunch meetings and take tours of different organizations and areas of our community. On Tuesday January 13th we toured the Sandusky Maritime Museum. The director of the maritime museum Neil Allen gave us a tour and talked to us about its expansion plans. The museum is a great place to visit to learn more about our nautical history. Visit for more information.

Induction of New Members 2009

After having a two week hiatus for the holidays inducting new members into our club was a wonderful start to the new year. Please welcome Heather Gilchrist and Sara Warner to our club. During our current economic conditions more help is much appreciated in the community as the needs of its members grow. Our club continues to strive towards adding new members and coming up with creative ideas to include more of the community in our efforts.

Annual Club Christmas Party

Our annual Christmas party was held on Tuesday December 16th. Many clubs from the surrounding area joined us for a nice meal and a program from the Edison High Show Choir. As always the show was fantastic. To learn more about Edison High School and its Choir visit

Thanks to all the neighboring clubs for joining us again!

Better Business Bureau

James Gilchrist from the Better Business Bureau was our speaker on Tuesday Dec. 9th. He spoke to us about the different functions of the BBB and also of the most common areas of fraud and how the BBB is trying to educate the public about the more sophisticated crimes being committed. The crimes are becoming more prevalent in our current economic times. To learn more about our local NW Ohio BBB visit Feel free to contact James as well at 419-578-6000. Our club learned new ways to protect ourselves from identity and financial crimes.

Where have I been?

Its has been way to long since the last update on here. There will be plenty of updates over the weekend since I have allocated some late night time with my computer at home. Stay tuned for updates from the last couple of months.